Paid jobs abroad

This section is dedicated to work opportunities offered to students during their stay abroad. A language study trip abroad can turn out to be an excellent opportunity to earn some pocket money by working and putting into practice the language skills acquired in an academic context in the field. One of the main assets of a long-term gap year programme is the time you have at your disposal. Time to discover the city of course, to go out and enjoy yourself whilst learning the language, but also time to become integrated and involved in the local working life through a job during or after your studies.

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Jobs in Europe
In Europe, it is completely legal for member citizens of the European Community (including Swiss) to work during their studies. In this way, cities like Berlin, Barcelona, Galway, Rome or Brighton, thanks to their size and/or vitality, make an ideal setting for finding a job which you will be able to combine with your classes or which will allow you to extend your stay onsite. Each of our partner schools, veritable experts on their city, will be able to guide and advise you in an efficient manner in your job search. And if you add to this the effect of “word of mouth”, the various student promotions which follow each other and intersect, the former students who exchange their tips and recommendations and share their experience with the new students they've met in from of the notice board of available's a "goldmine of information" which awaits you!

Brighton, Oxford, London, Dublin, Galway or Lindau abound with job opportunities for students. For this reason, we have put in place a specific service, the "Job Club", with our partner schools. This meeting space offers a free interface between the local job market and the student community. It is an exchange platform which, thanks to professional advice, the assistance of the school and the experience of former students, will allow you to find a job which fits in seamlessly with your studies and availability (in this case, the standard course will be best suited to you). It's also a good opportunity to extend your stay following your academic course.

The Job Club meets up regularly and any interested students can participate for free. There, you will find:
  • advice for your search
  • updated information on available jobs
  • help for writing your CV
  • useful information on the current laws, employees' rights, insurance, minimum wage, etc.
  • meetings during which various speakers will present the various job opportunities to you

The main areas which offer numerous possibilities for finding a job are:
Bars, hotels, cafés, restaurants, clubs, shops, services, administration, promotional work, distribution of flyers, transport, materials handling, tourism, travels and sports events, etc. If you are motivated, flexible and ready to dedicate the time required by the employer and for the job, Europe welcomes you with open arms!

Jobs in Australia and New Zealand 

Working Holiday Visa
On the other side of the planet, under the Tropic of Capricorn, in New Zealand or in Australia, the "Working Holiday Visa" is a very good opportunity to combine studies, work and exploring. The few weeks at the school will allow you to "land" smoothly, acclimate and consolidate your level of English (courses from 2 to 16 weeks in Australia and from 2 to 12 weeks in New Zealand). Then, time for adventure! You will be able to dedicate the rest of the year to working, travelling and covering the length and breadth of these lands of legends.

The Australian Working Holiday Visa is available to citizens of the following countries: Germany, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, South Korea, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Malta, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Taiwan.

New Zealand
The New Zealand Working Holiday Visa is available to citizens of the following countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Uruguay and the USA.

Student Visa 
It is also possible to work with a student visa, whether in Australia or in New Zealand. It’s an ideal way to earn some pocket money during and after the end of your course while getting involved in the local community.

In Australia, participants traveling with a student visa are permitted to work a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight when the course is in session, and unlimited hours when the course is not in session.

New Zealand
From January 2014, students enrolled in a language study programme of a minimum of 14 weeks in New Zealand are permitted to work part time during the course, up to 20 hours per week, and full time for 4 weeks, usually after the end of the course.

Here are the main areas which offer opportunities to find jobs:
Hotel industry, restaurants, services, administration, distributing flyers, transport, handling materials, tourism and travel, bars and clubs, casinos, fruit picking and farm work in orchards or vineyards... Depending on your level of English, your availability and the time of the year, many job possibilities await you!