Teachers, Erasmus Plus Funding

Erasmus Plus Funding

Language teacher training abroad: Erasmus Plus Funding

Erasmus+ Funding for Language Teachers
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme for boosting skills and employability through education, training, youth and sport. Between 2014 and 2020 the programme will provide opportunities for more than 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer abroad. From 2014, the programme has been extended to include teacher training that was previously funded under the Lifelong Learning Programme (Comenius, Leonardo, Grundtvig and Socrates). 
Erasmus+ Key Action 1 – Mobility of Individuals
With 63% of the whole Erasmus+ programme budget, Key Action 1 of Erasmus+ supports mobility of learners and staff. Under the heading “Mobility for School Staff”, this includes teachers who wish to undertake a learning and/or professional experience in another country.
Why is this funding available?
  • The EU has a goal that every citizen should be able to speak at least two foreign languages, in turn creating a mobile and international labour force and encouraging cultural understanding between EU members. A lack of language competences is one of the main barriers to participation in European education, training and youth programmes.

  • Better trained teachers deliver better input for students, trainees, apprentices, pupils, adult learners, young people and volunteers. For teachers themselves, the training offers increased motivation and satisfaction in their daily work.

  • As such, the EU will pay for Europeans to travel and learn, as long as certain criteria are met. 
What can be funded?
Schools can apply for mobility funding to support the professional development of teachers, school leaders and other school education staff.
  • teaching assignments abroad
  • staff training abroad, including structured courses and training events, job shadowing and observations in a partner school
Language courses with no teacher training aspect are not typically eligible for funding. Teacher training courses are eligible as they develop the skills of teachers in a way that cannot be achieved without international travel.

Staff mobility activities can last from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time.
Erasmus+ funding application process
All applications have to be sent via the school that employs you to your national agency. Organisations across all sectors actively involved in delivering formal and non-formal education, training and youth work are able to apply for funding for their staff and learners, but will need to be registered with the national education department.

1. Check that your school is registered on your national education department’s database and has a reference number.
2. If your school does not have one already, draw up a European Development Plan (see below). This should identify your school’s development and training objectives for the next one or two years, emphasising how it fits with European objectives.
3. Register your organisation on ECAS (European Commission Authentication Service)
4. Register on the Participant Portal. Here you will receive a unique 9-digit PIC: Participant Identification Code.
5. Download, save and complete the Mobility for School Staff Application eForm.
6. Submit your application online before the deadline.

The person responsible for organising Erasmus+ participation will usually be the head of your school or the individual in charge of staff training and development. This is a change from the previous Comenius system, under which individuals could apply independently of their schools. 
European Development Plan
A European development plan is a strategic view of your school’s plans for European activities. For section D of the Erasmus+ application form, you have to answer four questions about your school’s European development plan:
  • What are the organisation's needs in terms of quality development and internationalisation? Please identify the main areas for improvement (for example management competences, staff competences, new teaching methods or tools, European dimension, language competences, curriculum, the organisation of teaching and learning).
  • Please outline the organisation's plans for European mobility and cooperation activities, and explain how these activities will contribute to meeting the identified needs. 
  • Please explain how your organisation will integrate the competences and experiences acquired by staff participating in the project, into its strategic development in the future. 
  • Will your organisation use eTwinning in connection with your mobility project? If so, please describe how. 
This is your opportunity to show how EU funding would help your school and its students become part of the European project. Unifying Europe is a key theme throughout the Erasmus+ programme so explain clearly how your plan will lead to greater cultural understanding. It is very important that your plan is tailored towards the specific goals of the Erasmus Plus project, which can be found in more depth on your national agency site. 
Application deadline
All applications for 2016 funding must be received by 19th May 2016. Activities can be undertaken from June until December of the year of the application.
How much money can I apply for?
Your school must apply for the total amount needed to cover all training as identified in the European Development Plan. The money will cover course fees, travel costs and living and accommodation expenses while abroad.