Professionals, ESL Advantages

ESL Advantages

ESL Advantages : Language courses for business

Free and personalised advice
We are here to help you find the perfect course for your individual needs. One size does not fit all and our partner schools have varying strengths, price points and courses. Use our expertise to find your perfect programme.
Needs Analysis
Organising courses for thousands of students each year, in dozens of countries, we understand the varying needs of learners. To ensure you get the right programme, ESL – Language studies abroad offers a comprehensive (and free) needs analysis service including, among other things, language level, goals, destination and budget.
Pay in the currency of your choice
Whichever currency you choose to pay in, the price will be exactly that offered by the school, with no fees or mark-up.
Special deals for companies
Any company with a study plan can contact us for a special deal. New special offers are added to our website throughout the year so visit regularly and contact us to find out more.
Personalised price quotation in CHF or Euros
If you need time to consider your options, or compare offers, simply request a price quotation and we can send it to you in seconds via email. We guarantee the best prices on the market.
The best accommodation
ESL – Language studies abroad offers something for all tastes and all budgets. Ask our team for more information about the various accommodation options, selected carefully by our local partners.
Simply mention it while signing up for a course and we will send you a competitive offer for flights. You are, of course, also free to arrange your own transport.
Free exam cancellation insurance
If you are unable to start a course due to exam results, our free insurance will cover you.