Save on your language travel by booking in advance!
- 4-7 weeks booked: EUR 110
- 8-11 weeks booked: EUR 220
- 12-15 weeks booked: EUR 330
- 16-23 weeks booked: EUR 440
- 24-31 weeks booked: EUR 550
- 32 weeks or more booked: EUR 660
• Valid for bookings made 4 months or more before course start
• Valid for English language courses around the world
• Not valid on online courses
• Not cumulative with other promotions
Our advisors are at your disposal to help you turn your language project into a reality in the best conditions.
Save on your language travel by booking in advance!
- 4-7 weeks booked: EUR 110
- 8-15 weeks booked: EUR 220
- 16-23 weeks booked: EUR 330
- 24 weeks or more booked: EUR 440
• Valid for bookings made 4 months or more before course start
• Valid for all language courses, except for English
• Not valid on online courses
• Not cumulative with other promotions
Our advisors are at your disposal to help you turn your language project into a reality in the best conditions.
Discount per person:
- 2-3 weeks booked: EUR 50 discount
- 4-7 weeks booked: EUR 100 discount
- 8 weeks booked or more: EUR 150 discount
- Not valid on online courses
- Not cumulative with other promotions
Our advisors are at your disposal to help you turn your language project into a reality in the best conditions.